Buying saffron from SafranContor

Saffron is a perennial, which mainly stems from south-west Asia and is cultivated there. It blossoms from October to December, whereby the top 3 cm of the stamen are the interesting part of the plant for us, what we know as saffron. Only these top three centimeters have the strong red color, the seductive aroma, the wonderful strength of color and the magical taste which make saffron what it is. We only sell complete saffron threads of the highest Negin and premium quality.

Direct import from Iran and Kashmir

We obtain our saffron by importing directly from Iran/Persia and Kashmir, maintain very good relationship to the growers and exercise influence over cultivation methods and quality. We pay the growers a fair price without going through a middle man and, therefore, enable our customers in Germany to enjoy regular reasonable prices for their saffron.

100% freshness and quality – saffron from the current harvest

It does not matter whether you prefer persian saffron with its bitter sweet, smoke note or saffron from kashmir with a mild earthy note; our SafranContor saffron always comes from the current harvest. Because the acreage in the crop areas is limited, we might suffer supply shortages close to the next harvest in October. If this should happen, we of course notify you in our shop.